Alfred M Ford

Alfred M Ford

Alfred M Ford

August 01, 1949~February 01, 2022

On August 1, 1949, in Ancon, Canal Zone Panama, Joseph Michael Ford, an electrician, and Adela Harritt, an organist, gave birth to their 8th child. His name was Alfred Michael Ford.

What he would do and become on this earth was yet to be seen, but he was destined to do great things and become a legend in his own right. Brave, charismatic, handsome, articulate, astute and generous. This is the story of our father, Alfred “Forky” Ford.

Forky grew up on the segregated Canal Zone preceded by our five uncles and two aunts: Clarence (deceased), Joseph (deceased) May (deceased), Henry, Hilda(deceased), Adela and Harry. He would speak fondly about his time on the zone, where he enjoyed fishing and swimming in the canal and working at the officer’s club to make some extra cash. He spent lots of time with his Aunt Sarah and our aunts and uncles that followed him: David, Mary (deceased), Kenneth, Elena, and Anthony.

Forky graduated from Paraiso High School in 1968 with accolades: El Mas Responsable (Most Responsible) and El Mejor Bailador Mejor (Best Dancer), both of which resonated through his entire life and career. He was, indeed, the best dancer and life of the party, and coupled that with his keen sense of self-determination and drive to deliver on all of his promises. When he said he was going to do something, it got done.

He immediately joined the United States Army and served in the 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry in Vietnam where he received his first Bronze Star Medal for heroism at just 19 years old on July 10, 1969.

“In Leading an assault on enemy positions Private Ford boldly maneuvered across 50 meters of open terrain where he took up an exposed position from which to return fire. During the conflict he braved a hail of enemy rounds to rush to the aid of the wounded and evacuate them to safety. Private First Class Ford’s personal bravery and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the 9th Infantry Division and the United States Army.”

His service was one of his proudest achievements. Forky went on to receive a Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal and Army Commendation Medal, for outstanding achievement in connection with military operations against a hostile force in the republic of Vietnam.

While many did not make it home, our father survived two tours in Vietnam. Putting it simply, it was not his time to go. Forky was granted United States citizenship the winter of 1970 at the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii. He completed his military service that same spring.

Forky proceeded to Brooklyn, New York shortly after, where he held different jobs (furniture store clerk, car salesman) before joining the United States Postal Service to continue his federal service and would spend the next 30 plus years of his career there, before eventually retiring.

Forky’s true pride and joy were his nine children, all born in Brooklyn, New York. Heidi, his first child, was born to Gladys. Heidi was a twinkle in his eyes with the voice of an angel. He later met Anastasia (deceased) and in his own words, the “love of his life.” Together, they had five children: Kala, Kedar, Valentino, Anastasia and Angelina. Silverio, Tara and Raphael (deceased) were also born in Brooklyn, New York and visited with us often.

In 1990, Forky was awarded a transfer with the post office, bought a home and moved to Jacksonville, Florida with Anastasia and their five children. After the passing of Anastasia ten years later, Forky married Bettye. Around this time, he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, underwent major surgery and after an extensive recovery, he found himself doing the things that he loved in retirement: dancing, singing, playing the lottery, eating “a little little,” and mowing the yard. Mayo Clinic and his care team at the VA provided extensive care for his health and well-being.

Still, it was not his time to go.

He carried on to witness his grandchildren grow up from near and afar: Sasha, Nico, Aleciya, Taryn, Yexenia, Romie, Melania.

Much of his time was spent collecting photographs of his family; his parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. He cared for all them deeply and often took them under his wings to provide shelter, advice, or a shoulder to lean on. The sun rose every day to the people that he loved.

In 2019, Forky moved back to the home he worked so hard for and where he would spend his last years and days with his angel here on earth, Angelina. On February 1, 2022, our father took his last steps and was called home to be with the love of his life on a beautiful, sunny, crisp day.

The earth shook that day and news spread like wildfire, but in his own words and the words from one of his all time favorite songs, “Me Tengo Que Ir! (I have to go!)”

Forky, we are all better on this earth because we had the privilege to know you and witness your greatness. So we leave you with this:

Thank you for your service
Thank you for your bravery
Thank you for your wisdom
Thank you for your spirit
Thank you for your generosity
Thank you for your shelter
Thank you for your love

With sincerest gratitude and appreciation,
Your children, Kala, Kedar, Valentino, Anastasia and Angelina

Spanish Translation

Alfredo Michael Ford
1 de agosto de 1949 – 1 de febrero de 2022

El 1 de agosto de 1949, en Ancón, Zona del Canal de Panamá, Joseph Michael Ford, electricista, y Adela Harritt, organista, dieron a luz a su octavo hijo. Su nombre era Alfred Michael Ford.

Lo que haría y en lo que se convertiría en esta tierra aún estaba por verse, pero estaba destinado a hacer grandes cosas y convertirse en una leyenda por derecho propio. Valiente, carismático, guapo, elocuente, astuto y generoso. Esta es la historia de nuestro padre, Alfred “Forky” Ford.

Forky creció en la Zona del Canal segregada precedido por nuestros cinco tíos y dos tías: Clarence (fallecido), Jimmy (fallecido), Joe (fallecido) May (fallecido), Henry, Hilda (fallecida) Adela y Harry. Hablaba con cariño sobre su tiempo en el zona, donde disfrutaba pescar y nadar en el canal y trabajar en el club de oficiales para ganar algo de dinero extra. Pasó mucho tiempo con su tía Sarah y nuestras tías y tíos que lo siguieron: David, Mary (fallecida), Kenneth, Elena y Antonio.

Forky se graduó de Paraiso High School en 1968 con elogios: El Mas Responsable (Más responsable) y El Mejor Bailador Mejor (Mejor bailarín), los cuales resonaron durante toda su vida y carrera. Era, de hecho, el mejor bailarín y el alma de la fiesta, y eso lo combinaba con su agudo sentido de la autodeterminación y el impulso para cumplir todas sus promesas. Cuando dijo que iba a hacer algo, se hizo.

Inmediatamente se unió al Ejército de los Estados Unidos y sirvió en el segunda Batallón, cisterns y siete de Infantería en Vietnam, donde recibió su primera Medalla de la Estrella de Bronce por heroísmo con solo 19 años el 10 de julio de 1969.

“Al liderar un asalto a las posiciones enemigas, el soldado Ford maniobró audazmente a través de 50 metros de terreno abierto donde ocupó una posición expuesta desde la cual devolver el fuego. Durante el conflicto, desafió una lluvia de proyectiles enemigos para acudir en ayuda de los heridos y evacuarlos a un lugar seguro. La valentía personal y la devoción al deber del soldado de primera clase Ford están en consonancia con las más altas tradiciones del servicio militar y reflejan un gran crédito para él, la 9.a División de Infantería y el Ejército de los Estados Unidos.”

Su servicio fue uno de sus logros más orgullosos. Forky recibió una Medalla de Buena Conducta, una Medalla del Servicio de Defensa Nacional, una Medalla de Servicio de Vietnam, una Medalla de la Campaña de Vietnam y una Medalla de Elogio del Ejército, por logros destacados en relación con operaciones militares contra una fuerza hostil en la República de Vietnam.

Si bien muchos no regresaron a casa, nuestro padre sobrevivió a dos giras en Vietnam. En pocas palabras, no era su hora de irse. Forky obtuvo la ciudadanía estadounidense el invierno de 1970 en el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito de Hawái. Completó su servicio militar esa misma primavera.

Forky se dirigió a Brooklyn, Nueva York poco después, donde ocupó diferentes trabajos (empleado de tienda de muebles, vendedor de autos) antes de unirse al Servicio Postal de los Estados Unidos para continuar con su servicio federal y pasaría allí los siguientes 30 años de su carrera, antes de finalmente saliente.

El verdadero orgullo y alegría de Forky eran sus nueve hijos, todos nacidos en Brooklyn, Nueva York. Heidi, su primer hijo, nació de Gladys. Heidi era un brillo en sus ojos con la voz de un ángel. Más tarde conoció a Anastasia (fallecida) y en sus propias palabras, el “amor de su vida”. Juntos tuvieron cinco hijos: Kala, Kedar, Valentino, Anastasia y Angelina. Silverio, Tara y Raphael (fallecido) también nacieron en Brooklyn, Nueva York y nos visitaban con frecuencia.

En 1990, a Forky se le otorgó una transferencia con la oficina de correos, compró una casa y se mudó a Jacksonville, Florida, con Anastasia y sus cinco hijos. Después del fallecimiento de Anastasia diez años después, Forky se casó con Bettye. Alrededor de este tiempo, le diagnosticaron cáncer de esófago, se sometió a una cirugía mayor y después de una recuperación extensa, se encontró haciendo las cosas que amaba en su retiro: bailar, cantar, jugar a la lotería, comer “un poco poco” y cortar el césped. yarda. Mayo Clinic y su equipo de atención en el VA brindaron atención integral para su salud y bienestar.

Aún así, no era su hora de irse.

Continuó viendo crecer a sus nietos de cerca y de lejos: Sasha, Nico, Aleciya, Taryn, Yexenia, Romie, Melania.

Gran parte de su tiempo lo dedicó a recopilar fotografías de su familia; sus padres, tías, tíos, primos, hermanos, hermanas, sobrinas y sobrinos. Se preocupaba profundamente por todos ellos y, a menudo, los tomaba bajo sus alas para brindarles refugio, consejos o un hombro en el que apoyarse. El sol salía todos los días para las personas que amaba.

En 2018, Forky regresó a la casa por la que trabajó tan duro y donde pasaría sus últimos años y días con su ángel aquí en la tierra, Angelina. El 1 de febrero de 2022, nuestro padre dio sus últimos pasos y fue llamado a casa para estar con el amor de su vida en un día hermoso, soleado y fresco.

La tierra tembló ese día y la noticia se extendió como un reguero de pólvora, pero en sus propias palabras y las palabras de una de sus canciones favoritas de todos los tiempos, “¡Me Tengo Que Ir! (¡Tengo que ir!)”

Forky, todos somos mejores en esta tierra porque tuvimos el privilegio de conocerte y ser testigo de tu grandeza. Así que te dejamos con esto:

Gracias por tu servicio

gracias por tu valentía

Gracias por tu sabiduría

gracias por tu espiritu

gracias por tu generosidad

gracias por tu refugio

Gracias por tus cuidados

Con sincera gratitud y aprecio,

Tus hijos, Kala, Kedar, Valentino, Anastasia y Angelina

To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Alfred, please visit our
Tree Store.


Annesta Spencer

October 15, 2022, 5:45 am

Our deepest condolences to the Ford family. Forkey was a dear and close family friend. May he Rest In Peace in the Master’s arms. We will keep you all in our prayers for peace and comfort, as you go through this season of mourning. -Annesta and Sergio

Norman E Clark

October 15, 2022, 5:45 am

We spent a lot of time together back in the days of Paraíso H.S.,quite an eloquent young man & an avid dancer! My neighbor & classmate from Spanishtown, Rest On my Bro in Eternal Paradise…you will be missed! L-R Forky, Fernando, Mundo, Marco, Eddie & Rogelio (not pictured: Gregg, Rogelio, Marciano, Lucho) & others from PHS Class of 1968! Our prayers are withe entire Ford Family!

Jose Reid

October 15, 2022, 5:45 am

From Jose and the Reid family we share our deepest sympathies and much love to the Ford family. Rest in peace Forky

Gladys Ford

October 15, 2022, 5:46 am

This message is for the Ford family. You are a resilient people. God created you to be a real support system for one another. Freddy was accepted and knew that he belonged. May God comfort each and every one of you! I pray this in the matchless Name of Jesus! Godbless Gladys Ford NJ

Center for Disease Control Team 4

October 15, 2022, 5:46 am

Kala, Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss… Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.

Orlando Harris

October 15, 2022, 5:46 am

First, I’d like to thank Ford’s family for the opportunity to express my heartfelt joy for the homegoing celebration of my spiritual brother Forky Ford. I met Forky back in 1964 when I arrived at Paraiso High School during my freshman year. I had an opportunity to observe a person who always strived to perfect anything he became involved with. Our life took a different journey when we graduated in 1968. I enlisted in the Army and served in Vietnam with the 3rd 506 Infantry 101 Airborne. Unknown to me at the time my friend served in Vietnam as well. We both were the recipients of the Bronze Star medal. Awarded for heroic achievement service in a combat zone. We later joined God’s Army as a soldier enduring hardship as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. We spoke on many occasions about our relationship with Jesus. As a soldier, we are taught to stand firm and stand together, to work as a team, watch each other back and protect one another. My friend served a sense of purpose and calling. I am at peace that he lived in accordance with Biblical values and grace. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are to pick up the cross, die to self, and follow Him. Christ calls His followers. to bear spiritual fruits like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. As earthly soldiers, we are trained to win earthly battles, we too must train in order to be successful in the spiritual realm battle. The good news: “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.” (Philippians 4;13). I know my friend is dancing in heaven. May his soul rest in peace till we meet again!

Gladys Ford

October 15, 2022, 5:46 am

My name is Gladys Ford. When Freddy went to Vietnam, I prayed the 91 Psalms for him every day while he was in Vietnam. I know that the Lord heard my prayers, because I was pregnant with Heidi and I wanted my husband safe and alive for us both. God heard, and answered. Gladys Ford

Gladys Ford

October 15, 2022, 5:47 am

Heidi Williams is Alfred’s firstborn. She loved her dad and they had a very special relationship. She looks just like him, walks like him. And I know that she loved her dad very much. Gladys Ford

Gladys Ford

October 15, 2022, 5:47 am

Romie is Freddy’s grandson. His mom is Heidi. Romie always called his grandpa Fred, as he called him. He loved to pray for his grandpa, especially if he wasn’t feeling well. So glad to know that they had a great relationship. Gladys Ford

Gladys Ford

October 15, 2022, 5:47 am

My personal memory of Freddy! My name is Gladys Ford. I met Freddy in Villa Càceres, a barriada in Panamà City in the late 1968 while I attended Universidad de Panamà. We fell in love. He left for New York in 1969, joined the army and was on his way to Vietnam. Then he came back on a furlough. I got pregnant. He went to Vietnam. We got engaged by mail. Freddy came back to Panamà in July of 1969, and we got married. He went back to Vietnam shortly after. We wrote letters to each other everyday. Heidi, our daughter was born in December 1969 at Coco Solo Hospital on the Canal Zone. Freddy came back to Panamà in June of 1970. He moved to New York in 1970, and we joined him on December 31. Gladys Ford

Ulina Dyer

October 15, 2022, 5:47 am

I would like to pay my respect to the Ford family. May U RIHP. From The Dyer family.

Alicia Bradley

October 15, 2022, 5:48 am

To my Classmates: Elena/ Kenneth, his Children, and The Entire Ford Family, I Sincerely Convey Our deepest Condolences. My Prayers ???????? are with you, and The Entire Family in the Untimely Passing of your Brother Alfred. May The Lord reach down to Extend his Comforting Arms to Wrap all of your Hearts to help Cushion your Pains of Grief. May your Brother, Dad/,Grandad ( Forky), Rest Easy in The Arms of His Creator Jesus. RIP. ????. From: Alicia / Joe Bradley ????????????????

Gladys Ford

October 15, 2022, 5:48 am

We had the privilege and honor to minister to Fred, my daughter Heidi, grandson Romie and myself for the past 4 years. We all are born again believers in Chris, and we were able to pray with and for him. He is now with His Savior and Lord, Jesus the Christ. Heidi, Romie and Gladys. New Jersey USA

Bernadette French

October 15, 2022, 5:49 am

My sincere condolence to the children and family of Alfred “Forky” Ford. May he rest in peace. Bernadette French

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